
work in progress

At Trumps 2024 inauguration his **cabinet memeber**,Elon Musk threw up the seig heil proudly twice. This shows Trumps either shows support towards the facists that occupied germany in the 1940's or he is so ignorant to reasearch his own cabinet to know that Elon Musk was not fit to be in our government. Many tried to defend Musk, saying many excuses such as "It's a roman salute", "he has autism", and "he was giving us his heart". If you are one of these people i will kindly disprove all of these excuses.
First off all, autism is not an excuse to hail Hitler. No person in history will be a facist because they are nuerodivergent,this is just implying nuerodivergent people are stupid or don't know any better which is ableist.
Second, in order to "give someone your heart" you place your hand on your chest and take your arm out slowly, most importantly your palm FACING UP. If you are "giving your heart" and you chose to put your palm down you know exactly what you are doing. Worst of all it wasn't an accident. It's not an accident if he does it twice and doesn't at least appologize, in fact Elons response was to target people who thought what he did was bad by claiming they played "the hitler card".
Last but DEFLINTLY not least, "it's a roman salute" where do I start with this one. The "roman salute" is a salute that was first introduced in the 1700's by painter Jacques-Louis David. This is the first instance of the Roman salute which is not infact Roman. It was a popular symbol of Ancient Rome up until 1922 when it was adopted by facists in Italy. It is regarded as a facist asulte so often that it is known as the NAZI salute.
So yes Trump supporters,Elon did do the roman salute, because the roman salute is in fact the orgin of the seig heil.
Elon has stated plenty of times about how he supports AFD (Alternative für Deutschland or Alternative for Germany). AFD is a rightist extremist group in germany, other rightest extremist groups include: Nazi's, Confederates, and Gadseden's (dont tread on me). Musk has had text messages leaked, Houdini magazine claiming the text messages reveal that Musk is "trembling in his boots".


The history of the roman salute

Elon Musk craves the return of facism across europe

Far-right ideaology


elons text messages