

On the 4th of March,2025 there will be a protest at Wisconsin state capitol,
visit Womans March's website to learn more. Utah has passed a bill that
makes it illegal to hang up pride flags,but allowed to put up nazi or confederate
flags in classrooms and government buildings.
Read more about the bill here



I.C.E trucks have been spotted across the country,
protect POC in your school and shout "la migra" or "ICE is here" if you spot ICE



Trump may be impeached on febuary 5th, he seems to really badly want to be if you see what he has done in just a few days of presidency



BREAKING NEWS! Trumps anti-trans bill has a major error that makes all of america woman. The bill claims that "Female means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell," the sex belonging to the large reproductive cell AT CONCEPTION. At conception until the 6 week mark everyone has a large reproductive cell. in any bioligy book you can find this informaton, no one on the Trump administration saw this? didn't think "oh wait, little error here" if your going to be transphobic at least do it right as a transfem i find this very amusing that i am legally my perfered gender now. I guess all Trump wanted was a femininoninon.


trump has started his second term with many many bills including making male and female the only legally usuable genders. thats not it, he also claims he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Another thing from trumps recent inaguration is elon musk hailing hitler by doing the seig heil. Trump supporters react with saying he is doing the "i give my love to you" hand signal which is false if you watch the video of him doing it.